Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Bowen Therapy A Close Look What Is Bowen Therapy?

Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis, is the most common form of arthritis in Australia.
A health survey conducted by Australian Bureau of Statistics shows about 2.1 million Australians (almost 9% of the population) have Osteoarthritis.
The data further reveals that this condition is more common in females than males (10% of females have osteoarthritis as compared to 6% of males).

Osteoarthritis is a painful condition primarily caused by loss of joint cartilage. Cartilage helps the bones at joints to function smoothly. The cartilage layer wears down in osteoarthritis patients. As a result, they experience pain or ache, stiffness, swelling, and loss of motion of the joint over time.

While the prevalence of osteoarthritis increases with age, it affects young individuals as well. However, its prevalence typically rises from age 45.
There are different types of treatments for osteoarthritis, including physical therapy, surgery, etc. Coupled with conventional solutions, many individuals are looking towards alternative medicine, such as Acupuncture for treating osteoarthritis.
Acupuncture is a decades old Chinese medical technique for treating various health issues, including but not limited to anxiety, depression, stress, chronic pain, menstrual cramps, labour induction and osteoarthritis.

The procedure entails the insertion of metal needles into an individual’s pressure points. It’s important to understand that Acupuncturists use thin needles (thinner than a hair strand) during treatment. Thus, patients won’t get hurt or feel severe pain. All they experience is a slight warm sensation that lasts for a few minutes.
The insertion of needles into specific pressure points helps rebalance the flow of energy across the body and restore an individual’s health. It triggers endorphins and enkephalins throughout the body, which play a key role in alleviating the sensation of pain. In addition, it releases the hormone cortisol that helps control inflammation.
Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, Acupuncture can reduce joint pain and improve joint function in osteoarthritis patients, studies show.  

Regular Acupuncture sessions can reduce joint ache, pain and stiffness and restore functioning for osteoarthritis patients. However, this depends on the severity of an individual’s condition.
If you’re searching for Acupuncture in Brisbane, contact Brisbane Livewell Clinic. The clinic has over 3 decades of experience in providing safe, alternative health treatments to individuals of all ages.

Their knowledgeable, experienced, dedicated Acupuncturists offer personalized Acupuncture treatments at competitive pricing. They also create herbal formulas specifically designed to suit your specific health needs after treatment.
Click here to book an appointment. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

Looking for a holistic remedial body technique that provides pain relief?

Bowen Therapy is a gentle non-invasive, hands-on therapy for pain relief,it can be used to treat musculoskeletal or related neurological problems including: Acute sports injuries, Chronic conditions, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Asthma & Parkinson's disease. Bowen Therapy uses gentle and relaxing techniques instead of forceful manipulations! To find a qualified Bowen therapist, contact Gregg McDonald at Brisbane Livewell Clinic or schedule an online appointment with Gregg McDonald at

Smokers Edition: Managing Stress With Acupuncture

Stress has now become common amongst not just working individuals; it has taken over the lives of almost everyone. From teenagers to stay-at-home mothers, there isn’t a single individual who hasn’t become accustomed to the symptoms of stress.
Despite being immune to the idea of stress, we still do not know how to manage it. To simply stop thinking about the problems that ail us does not make sense.
While stress can be managed, it does not randomly disappear. It causes various problems in the lives of individuals it affects. Some of these problems can affect us physically, resulting in cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. Not only that, stress leads to the habit of smoking. Many college-aged youngsters take up smoking as a way to fit into a clique due to peer pressure.

Some individuals take medication in order to reduce or manage stress levels. Unfortunately, it does not always work. Therapy and medication is immensely beneficial in managing stress. However, some individuals prefer to opt for natural methods. One of these methods is acupuncture.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is derived from ancient Chinese medicine and has garnered attention in the West. It uses fine needles—thinner than the average sewing needle—to stimulate the nerve pathways in order to treat various health-related problems.
The techniques used are by acupuncturists who have knowledge of where the pressure points of the body are located. Needles that are used for the alternative medicine practice are known as ‘acupuncture needles’.
These needles are not ordinary and despite popular believe, are painless.

The needles are inserted into the skin, underneath the first layer, carefully and away from where the nerves are located.
By touching upon the correct pressure points, the nerves in the body are stimulated, blocking pain signals sent to the brain.
This is beneficial for those who suffer from chronic stress because the symptoms can become physical, resulting in headaches and lower back pain. Constant stimulation of the brain through over-thinking can result in individuals to become fatigued.

When pressure points are hit, the neurotransmitters in the brain—known as dopamine and serotonin—are released. This creates a temporary effect of joy and happiness, making the person forget about pain or fatigue.
When dopamine is released from the brain, it creates feelings of happiness and adrenaline rush. For a couple of moments, individuals forget about their problems. This reduces levels of stress in the body, lowering high blood pressure as well.
Many antidepressants work in the same manner. They release dopamine and serotonin, creating feelings of euphoria. For some individuals, acupuncture works because it is a natural way to alleviate symptoms of stress.

If you are looking for an acupuncturist in North Brisbane, visit Brisbane Livewell Clinic or call (07) 3861 5881

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Positive Effects of Bowen Therapy

Bowen therapy, also known as the Bowen technique, is still being researched today. However, it has been used to treat various disorders related to lower back pain, autoimmune diseases and even Parkinson’s disease since its inception in the 50s.
Bowen therapy is a physical manipulation technique used to treat various problems in the body that cause disorders and diseases.
The technique deals with the root cause instead of its symptoms. The approach by Bowen therapists is to gently use the forefingers and thumbs to massage the precise pressure points of the body. The technique deals with the connective soft tissues of the body, known as fascia tissues.
Bowen therapy helps stimulate blood circulation in the body, jumpstarting the process of self-healing in the nervous system.

Stress: Stress can tighten muscles in the body and make them stiff. When an individual is stressed out, they feel fatigued, worn out and sore. Stress is damaging to the nerves in the body and can lead to permanent nerve damage, as well as loss of brain cells by creating free radicals.
A recent study and survey shows that managing stress is still a problem for young adults.
Bowen therapy has shown to improve blood circulation within the body. By gently manipulating muscles, stress is alleviated and symptoms of pain are reduced. Sufferers of migraine will find relief because of the stimulation of nerves in the brain and nervous system.
Bowen therapy has been known to reduce symptoms of several conditions, such as:
1. Sciatica
2. Autoimmune diseases
3. Parkinson’s disease
4. Depression
5. Anxiety
6. Asthma
7. Lower back pain

When the mind is distressed, the body automatically stops functioning. By stimulating the blood flow of the body and ‘rebooting’ the nervous system, Bowen therapy has been able to help with stress and pain management.
During the massage therapy sessions, the therapist will pause the therapy for a few minutes (usually 2-4 minutes). This helps the body respond to the therapy and become accustomed to it.
After the session is over, the patient will be asked to drink a glass of water. This helps hydrate the tissues in the body and helps effectively treat nerves and muscles. Those with asthma will also find therapeutic relief as blood circulating to the organs will assist in breathing freely.
If you are looking for massage or back pain treatment in North Brisbane, contact Brisbane Livewell Clinic